Sunday, May 26, 2013

visions of purple on my walls

So today I started painting my room. Correction: half of my room. Right now I have one green wall, one plum purple, one robin's egg blue, and one lilac. Today I painted the little walls around my door lilac and I'm hoping to finish painting over the green with the lilac tomorrow. Green is a lovely color, just not for bedroom walls. It gives everything a weird green tinge, including your skin when you look in the mirror. It makes it really hard to successfully do your makeup or know what color your skin actually is. Turns out my skin is not yellow green like my walls convinced me it was... Anyway, I also did some modge podge magic over my light switch plate and my cat kept me company through the whole thing! Here are a couple low- quality pictures for your entertainment:

Pretty colors huh? I am just in love with them. My new room will be lovely! I'm going to re-paint my furniture  too. Instead of being turquoise, my desk will be white with turquoise accents. And instead of being black and blue, my dresser will be white with some other color for an accent. I'm excited! :D What big projects are you working on?

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